
She Wants Nothing More, Than To Be A Little Whore.

Well, let's see. How did my day start off again? Well, I know I woke up and ate something. Then I don't remember when, but Eddy came over to drop off his car. He came in, smackedd me with his skateboard. Then smaked me with his hands. Then violently grabbed my face and kissed my cheek, and hugged me until I couldn't breathe. Then he had some gatorade, called me a whore, and left.
So a while after that, I walked over to Berkeley Finer Foods. I bought one of those mini-cereal packs. I love those things. I also noted that "Berkeley Crossings" is just about done. I don't know when the hell they did that, I hadn't noticed it. And it wasn't like that a few weeks ago. Well whatever. From walking there and back, I got sunburn. How bullshit is that? My nose is bright red because of that shit. I hate being THIS white. Whatever.
Tonight while I was working, I saw Steve Maloney, randomly. He bought like three things of milk. I didn't think he's acknowledge me, but to my surprise he's like "Hey Emily." I was just like "Hi," without looking up. I saw him walking, and I couldn't figure out if it was him or not, because it looked JUST like him, but I had never seen his in a hat or anything, really. It was weird. A minute or two after, Mike's parents came in. They bought like, ten boxes of pop. I'm glad they weren't in my line, haha.
Today was kind of bad, in one sense. I had texted Danielle, asking her if she could give me a ride to work. And somehow, I texted David. I got a voice message from him later on, saying that he didn't know this number, but he wouldn't give me a ride to work. So I called him back being like "wtf?" And he gave me this story that some Mexican girl stole him phone, and he had to buy a new one or somehting like that. He went on and on and on about how much he missed me, and thinks about me every day; yeah fucking right. I don't know, I've been growing to think he's in denial, and trying too hard. I'm also thinking he's a compulsive liar, because he's constantly repeating the same thing to me, and I'm like "okay..." He called me four times alone today to apologize for the voice message, which wasn't a big deal at all. He even left me another voice message saying sorry. I don't remember what it all said, I wasn't really listening. I know he keeps saying that he wants to come and see me, or I should come and see him. The dumb fuck STILL thinks I live in Westchester. If you love someone that much, would it kill you to remember what town they live in? I'm his own daughter, damn. He isn't worth the time of day.



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