
It All Makes Sense, You're A Perfect Person.

I just don't know what to say, do, or think anymore. Eddy called me at 8:05pm. He tells me to meet him at the train station, and bring cigarettes. Red flag goes up, immediately. Eddy HATES Newports. So when I see him, he takes one, and we walk. It took him a little while to spit it out. But he finally told me he was dating Colleen.


He's the biggest fucking liar it has ever been my displeasure to know. First off, he's been saying that he's no longer wanting anything with her. He's been saying that since he's started skating, he doesn't want her anymore. Lies from the liar. Since we've been back from Florida, all he's been saying is that he doesn't want anything with anyone. He doesn't want anything with anyone for a long, long time. He was saying "no, no, Colleen wants nothing to do with me." My ass. He said he "put his emotions for her in a box, and let it go." I repeat, MY ASS.
So, on top of that comes this: a few days ago when he was here, he askes "be honest, are you dating that Tommy guy?" I told him I wasn't, and he refused to believe me. HYPOFUCKINGCRITE. Then, oh here's the fantastic part. Today I wrote him a note, asking him specifially if he was dating Colleen (this question was triggered by seeing a drawer in art class labeled Colleen and Eddy.) After class, he came to my locker and to my face he says "no, nothing is going on." RIGHT TO MY FUCKING FACE. He's been lying to me for months. I asked him if they'd been doing things, he says no. In fact, that was part of my note. He lied to me twice about the note, alone. Right now, I just want to beat someone's face in with a bat. I don't know why I ever believed him, or trusted him.
Does he think i'm a fucking idiot? I remember things.. when we started going out, he said "let's just let Colleen figure this one out on her own." He repeated the same thing the second tim we dated. So, two things hinted me about their relationship. 1. being the fact that he apparently likes to let people find out on their own. 2. his insecurity, asking me about Tommy, then not believing me.


I'm done with life.
Love me; Shoot me.


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