Well, today I can say that I was more enraged than ever. This week has been horrible. Aside from Luke breaking it off, today I discovered that someone stole my ipod.. I was absolutely livid. That is my most prised possession, and now it is gone. I am just irate. It took every ounce of my being to hold back my tears. I had it in fourth period, then put it in my locker in fifth. When I went down to get my money for lunch, I noticed the pen cap from my locker was removed but my dumb self did not think much of it. So, come ninth period, I go to grab my ipod -- and headphones, obviously -- and it's gone. I flipped my SHIT. That cost me a lot of money. I am so fed up with people. I hate people, I hate IC, I want to leave so badly. All I have been getting from everyone all day are negative comments, making me feel more alone than ever. On top of that, I have been feeling so sick all day: my head aches, and my stomach has been bothering me. I am just waiting for this week to get worse..
Last night I was in a pretty bad mood as well. As soon as I became single, five guys -- who I once considered friends -- started talking to me again like they hadn't stopped or anything. It really aggravated me. This is yet another reason why I hate people. And, also, tonight I have to work until eleven. Joy. At least I do not have school tomorrow. I would die. I promise, if I ever find out who took my ipod, I will personally beat the living shit out of them, hopefully hospitalizing him or her. People should really learn NOT to fuck with me. I don't care if I get kicked out of that hell hole.. I would like that, actually. I mean a person can only take so much before he or she snaps.
Again, it's back to this.. I just need someone. Anyone. I may revert to my old ways.. It was a long, cold winter.. I have a feeling this is going to be the same.