
I Find Myself Making Every Possible Mistake..

Where to even begin.. These past 24 hours have been crazy. It started last night at around 11pm I guess. I was in the shower and Lillian and Feliciti both called me about six times each. I was worried, I thought something was wrong; why else would they be calling me incessantly? Well, I called Lillian back. "Wanna go to a party?" was her oh-so-important message to deliver. I asked grandma if I could leave, and she said no; I could have guessed at much. So after about an hour of begging me, I agreed to sneak out. I climbed out my window and off we went. It turned out the party was over on Rhode at R.J. Latelle's house. There were a bunch of people there who I went to both grade school and high school with, and most of them I knew didn't really care for me. The first half of the night was spent tweaking out. I was so afraid grandma was going to wake up and find me missing. Well, after I chugged about seven beers, my fears were gone; liquid courage for the win, eh? I don't remember much from the party, really. I know I was texting George and my responses quickly turned to nonsense. I remember a lot of smoke breaks. I remember one of the guys pulling his junk out, and I remember walking by and hearing "DAMN SHE GOT A FAT ASS." I should be used to that by now, yes? Anyways... after R.J. stuck his tongue down my cousin's throat, we left. That was around 3. That's where it got bad. I started throwing up in the car, but all over myself -- though I did get some in the car; whoops. She pulled over on Taft and I fell out of her car and started throwing up on someone's lawn. That's where I lost my phone. I wouldn't realize it was gone for a while, though. So when i got home, I have no idea how the hell I got in the window. Lillian said she had to lift my leg up for me, but whatever, I got in. Then i took off my vomit-stained clothing and was waltzing around my house naked.. lovely, I know. I realized my phone was missing so I went to the kitchen and got the house phone, which I proceeded to drop and lost the battery to. Then I fell in the livingroom, fell in the bathroom, fell on my CDs in my room, then collapsed on my bed. I could have swore I closed my window, but I was wrong. This morning is a blur, as I woke up half drunk and very hungover. I remember grandma telling me Bobo was gone; he had jumped out my window. I cried and cried and cried. I threatened to kill myself if he wasn't found in a week. I went outside sobbing, calling his name. I didn't have my phone with me, so I didn't have anyone to comfort me. I called Corey since his number is the only one I have memorized. Then I went on facebook and found Deluca's number and George's. I called them both about eight times, and left a crying message to Mike, asking him to call me back. George didn't call my house phone until around 4pm. All I had wanted to do in the morning though is talk to him; I was distraught. By some miracle, Bernice found Bobo at around 10am. She was walking around the yards calling his name, and finally when she called, he would meow back. Then he came out and ran in her arms. I was so relieved. Now that Bobo was home, I had to tell her about my phone. I said I thought it was in the sewer or something. She called and deactivated it. Then at around 5pm, Feliciti and Lillian found it in the place where I was puking my guts out. I was so relieved, again. Bernice had it activated, then we went and got food -- I managed to keep it down, too. The rest of the day has just been blah. I am so tired and so sore. My neck hurts, my back hurts, and I have a huge, nasty bruise on my hip. I think I did that climbing in last night. Oh well. Everything is back to normal now... Though I have a huge fear of opening my window now. I guess it's a fair price to pay, right? My only worry now is that my piercing is going to get infected from throwing up so much; I'm sure acid doesn't help open wounds. On the bright side, it's pretty healed, so I can only hope it will be fine. Right now I'm just laying in bed, dying of heat though my body temperature is 93.8. I need to get checked out. Sigh. I guess that's all for tonight.


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