
If I Was Given Every Chance To Change, I'd Make It A Point To Smile Every Day.

My entries have been far and few between, I've noticed. I guess I only really write when I'm angry or sad. This is my outlet for extreme emotions I guess. But, lately, I've been pretty happy. Things are smooth. I really have nothing to complain about (: Whoa, did I just say that? I'm glad to have things in order for once.

I've been thinking about dialing up, or rather texting, David lately. A part of me wonders how he is doing, but the better part of me -- the smarter part -- is telling me to leave it alone; let him live his life and let me live mine. He may have made me, but I guess I am not meant to be a part of his life. I have also considered showing up at Danny's auto and seeing if he is there. Which reminds me.. I need to visit grandpa Rich before he keels. That really is such a vulgar way of putting it, but it is true. And I feel obligated. I still feel guilty, and kind of like an asshole. Last I saw him, he cried tears of joy just from seeing my face and I promised him I would visit.

Damn I need some wheels.


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