
I'm Holding Onto A Fairy Tail.

So, today in class, Mr. Schram made some good points. One of the things he discussed, and in relation to Oedipus, was how morality is subjective. For example: if it was said that a virgin needed to be sacrificed every Spring in order for the crops to grow, it would be seen as moral.. and then we would have a big problem. That is why subjective morality can be a vicious thing.
He also pointed something else out, which may help me when another blow strikes. He gave an example of a dog barking and barking and barking as some leaves, trying to eat them, and the owner just trying his hardest to pull the dog away and shove it in the house. The dog would see that as a negative act. However, those leaves were poison ivy. We know what poison ivy is; dogs do not. He related this to religion, stating that God sometimes needs to let the bad happen in order to make way for the good, or even just to save us. Who knows..
As crazy as that man is, he is a genius composed of pure brilliance.

On a different note, I have been much more cheerful lately. I have met someone new. He seems different than the other ones. He's a geniunely nice person; not only by my judgement, but by my friends' as well. He's a bit shy, as opposed to very loud and ignorant.. which, unfortunately, is what I'm usually attracted to. He seems honest.. but then again, they all do. And, he shares my feelings. Who knows if this is going to go anywhere.. I hope it does. I haven't wanted a boyfriend in a long time. I've been happy single. But now, I think this is finally something I would like. I'm just afraid of what's still to some, though. I know how bad my "luck is." Only time will tell.

Eddy finally left for Southern. He came over the past two nights in a row and we talked briefly. It was basically the same thing each night; how much he still loved me, how I was "the one," how it didn't feel right with anyone but me, how he regrets everything, all that shit. I was a bit merciless, but not cold. Apparently he was dating Alexis.. that came as a huge shock for me. But, whatever. It concerns me not. He and I are over, and he is finally 100% out of my life and far away from me. I can get on with everything. I am hoping this year is a good one..


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