
Somebody Get Me Through This Nightmare..

This is going to be an uphill battle from here on, I know it. Things are getting more difficult. I'm back at the point where I feel hopeless. I have no talent, I have nothing special, I have no one special; I am alone and I am nothing. I discovered that when overdosing on Depakote, it doesn't hurt or anything. You just get really sleepy, then coma or die. This, basically, is what I've been looking for.. especially since I have 500mg tablets. Just two of them automatically gets me at 1000, my normal dose. I don't know how many are left in the bottle, but now, I'm really taking this into consideration. I have nothing to live for. This is just going to be another miserable year. I'm going to fail summer school because I'm just a dumb kid, I will be alone at IC this year now that my best friend and only love is gone, the list goes on.
All I know now is that there IS an option.. and I could be gone easily in the blink of an eye.


There's a danger in starting a fire...

Eh. I'm tired of being played. This is getting to be too much. Like really, must I be surrounded by selfish liars? Hmm.. makes me look like a huge hypocrite, though. Oh well. It really does not help that I am paranoid enough as it is. It's kind of sad to think that everyone around you is lying to your face. Right now, my mind is being torn apart. It's going back and forth, back and forth.. it really is tormenting. I just want to get out of this house right now so I can get my mind off everything. Come on, am I stupid? I KNOW what's going. I guess I'm to blame though. I go along with it. I'm just as worthless as every other piece of shit person on this planet. I just can't emphasize how sick of it all I am. Honestly. I need to get the fuck away from everyone. All the liars, the cheaters, the players, the ignorant fucks, just plain everyone.

Nemo me impune lacessit...