
I Wish That I Could Buy You All The Flowers In Ther World, Say I'm Sorry Oh, A Half A Million Times...

Eddyrockz77 (10:29:33 PM): i miss you
epth x33 (10:29:53 PM): i miss you too =/ i love you so much =/
Eddyrockz77 (10:30:37 PM): i love you more
epth x33 (10:31:48 PM): no. i love you more =/
Eddyrockz77 (10:33:14 PM): no i win
Eddyrockz77 (10:33:21 PM): :-P
epth x33 (10:36:41 PM): eddy... right now i want to kill myself. and in order to full out do that, i need you to hate me. it's my birthday is about two days. and i didn't want to tell you but idk i can't. idk if you're going to hate me or not. but tim came over yesterday. he works at jewel so i didn't lie to you. but yeah he came over and we chilled for a while. wet didn't have sex or anything.. i wouldn't do that. i love you so much. i liked him a while ago. but when he broke my heart, idk. i wanted to meet him. so i did. and i don't have feelings for him anymore.. i'm just throwing that in. i don't want you to not love me.. but idk what you're gonna say to me or anything. idk if this is going to make you mad or not be anything. but i couldn't sit here and not tell you. because i love you and i can't hide anything. i'm crying. so hate me if you want. that's all i need to kiss my life good bye. i want this last year to be good. because i'm so scared to lose you after this year, or to the war. you've dated colleen and i've been okay after, still loving you and being here for you. so please.. i love you.
Eddyrockz77 (10:39:01 PM): so nothing happened?
epth x33 (10:41:23 PM): well i have my period so you know nothing like that could have happened. he kissed me and cuddled with me and i started crying because i felt so bad i just wanted to be with you. i stayed home because i was so depressed about tha i just cried and cried
Eddyrockz77 (10:43:45 PM): ok...that just about does it for me
epth x33 (10:44:02 PM): what do you mean ):
epth x33 (10:44:55 PM): please tell me now im sobbing so hard i need an excuse to fucking kill myself just tell me what you mean please please
Eddyrockz77 (10:46:11 PM): nothing cause im not going to let you kill your self because of me
epth x33 (10:46:26 PM): fine i wont kill yourself.
epth x33 (10:46:30 PM): i mean myself
epth x33 (10:46:32 PM): wtf
epth x33 (10:46:40 PM): so eddy what's gonna happen
Eddyrockz77 (10:46:56 PM): you can have tim. thats whats going to happen
epth x33 (10:47:03 PM): i dont want im
epth x33 (10:47:12 PM): eddy youve had sex with colleen
epth x33 (10:47:19 PM): you've kissed her, made out with her,
epth x33 (10:47:22 PM): and i love you
epth x33 (10:47:25 PM): and im still here
epth x33 (10:47:27 PM): please eddy
epth x33 (10:47:30 PM): dont do this
epth x33 (10:47:31 PM): please
Eddyrockz77 (10:47:41 PM): i havent done anything
Eddyrockz77 (10:48:15 PM): im sorry, now i know how you feel and it suck. im surprised you still like me after all that shit i put you through
Eddyrockz77 (10:48:23 PM): thank god im going to the army
Eddyrockz77 (10:48:39 PM): they'll set me straight
epth x33 (10:48:41 PM): eddy don't day that please!
epth x33 (10:48:47 PM): please
epth x33 (10:48:50 PM): do you love me
epth x33 (10:48:51 PM): ..
Eddyrockz77 (10:49:43 PM): yep
epth x33 (10:49:53 PM): will you give me a hug tomorrow.
Eddyrockz77 (10:50:02 PM): i suppose
epth x33 (10:50:09 PM): will you ever kiss me again
Eddyrockz77 (10:50:22 PM): if i must
epth x33 (10:50:59 PM): you knowi l ove you more than life itself. thats why i told you. i couldn't nt t tell you.
epth x33 (10:51:03 PM): i love you too much
epth x33 (10:51:07 PM): i cant breather
epth x33 (10:51:10 PM): bu i had o
epth x33 (10:51:15 PM): id take a bullt for you
Eddyrockz77 (10:51:48 PM): yea i know
epth x33 (10:53:56 PM): i don't know what to say right now. i still cnt breathe, but idk what's going through your mind. i know the feeling  and i know i isnt good. i just idk. i cried at work. i cried myself to sleep. i criedall day.
epth x33 (10:54:04 PM): i don't know what to do
Eddyrockz77 (10:54:46 PM): one question...if you didnt have your period would you have had sex with him
epth x33 (10:54:53 PM): no.
epth x33 (10:55:00 PM): i know that for sure
epth x33 (10:55:11 PM): i would never go that low
epth x33 (10:55:18 PM): and i would have killed myself if i did
Eddyrockz77 (10:55:52 PM): idk why but a part of me doesnt believe you and thinks you might have
epth x33 (10:57:14 PM): i know you've called me easy in the past. but eddy i would never do that. i just met him, and once. and i don't even have feelings for him now which i realilzed yesterday. i couldn't do that, ever, with him, with anyone
Eddyrockz77 (10:59:25 PM): whatever im done with today
Eddyrockz77 (10:59:33 PM): i kinda just want it to end
epth x33 (11:01:49 PM): i want my life to end dude, seriously. i NEED help. i want it. right now i feel alone again, and i hate myself for hurting you. i hurt my grandma, my dad, you, i cant do this anymore. i cant. i refuse to take anymore medicine.
epth x33 (11:02:10 PM): i just cant do this. i swear to go i hurt everyone i love]
Eddyrockz77 (11:03:28 PM): im not hurt
Eddyrockz77 (11:03:53 PM): trust me ive been through worse and ive put you through worse
Eddyrockz77 (11:04:12 PM): so its quite alright i just need some time to bounce back
epth x33 (11:05:45 PM): okay.. i love you. so much. and thank you for still being here for me.. you have no idea how much tthat means to me. so much for going to the drive in ): like, ever.. but i couldn't wait to do that for my own selfish pleasure, and then tell you a week later. just cant
Eddyrockz77 (11:08:43 PM): yea i dont think thats going to happen
epth x33 (11:09:48 PM): yeah. hah. well i just fucked over my birthday. i never have happy ones anyway.
Eddyrockz77 (11:11:08 PM): whatever you say

I'm afraid to fall asleep. 
I am afriad to dream.


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