
Poor Little Tin Man, Still Swingin' His Eyes..

Won't you wait up for me? Life, stop passing me by. Stop leaving me alone to make my own mistakes. I need the time. I just need to hold the ones I love close, and keep my jealousy closer still.

Things are not that bad right now. It's hard to type; I'm in an ambien induced mental coma right now, my brain has shut itself down for the eve. I just spent about two hours with George. It was nice. I really do like him.. he makes me so happy.. which is what I need. Someone to be there for me, and happiness. They do the best job at filling the gaping hole in my forlorn and war torn heart. For now, I think I am content. I still get disciplined for my actions; scolded for my decisions. But, I don't care right now. I could care less, actually. I'm in my own world, and there I am loving it. There are no physical boundaries here. I can be free, and with the ones I care about most. That is my life.

I'm singin' out to the lonely ones tonight.


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