
Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, Where Have You Been?

Just as things begin to look up, the blindfold is ripped off. This world is disgusting. The people are ignorant, and stupid. No one realizes what they have until it's gone.. and then, it's too late. Nothing should ever be taken for greanted. Anyone's life can change in the blink of an eye. Moving on though, away from the general gloom of life...
I keep losing people. This is why I hate getting close to others.. whether it be death, the end of a relationship, or just the abcense of a loved one. I'm think i'm reverting back to being an extreme introvert. People bring me nothing but breif satisfaction, followed by immense pain and greif. Seeing as I already suffer from severe depression, I don't need anything to make it worse. Oh well.
Speaking of people, it's getting back to the point where people use my only for advice. I suppose it can be taken as a compliment.. nevertheless, I despise being used. I'm too nice, though, to deny someone help. Sometimes I wish I could follow my own advice.. I give it damn good. I have enough troubles.. I need my own little Emily.. someone to complain to, and beg for answers to my problems. Eh.. I wouldn't do that to anyone, unless I already held their friendship. Whatever.
Changing the depressing subject..
I decided to abandon my old Blogger account. It's a little old.. and the posts, I don't know. I like change.. sometimes. Internet change is nice. So, on with the new Blog. I probably won't post too often. but you never know. I do enjoy writing.. and since I don't have the attention span to write a story, I turn to the Internet.
Well.. I will probably be commenting on random people's blogs, shortly. Feel free to ignore me, but keep in mind that i'm always up for a chat.. even if it's an extneded comment one.