
Shadows All Around You As You Surface From The Dark..

Well, my dreams certainly have been vivid lately. This one came out of nowhere. I can usually determine why I dreampt about certain things, but I cannot decipher this one. It was just odd and vaguely amusing in a weird way. Basically, I was with this hispanic family [I think] and we ended up on this rocky island in a storm. I would be on a tiny boat thing every so often in sea during the raging storm. But anyways, we climed up the mountain on this path.. this woman was waiting for us. When we got in the house, idk it was weird. She had a son for sure, and I think a daughter.. I'm not 100% sure. I know her kids were in the dining room though. There was also a tall man idk. So the son was in the dining room like I said, and the table was broken and the room trashed. The man was yelling a lot and then left. Like, I had a weird feeling about the woman. Then she like told us she was like from nazi germany or something.. hence hatred for the spanish woman and family i was with. So then this woman just broke out into a story about how she had tried murdering her husband and drove him away to marry this man [who was yelling, but had stormed out]. So then she had discovered her husband floating on a scrap of wood from a distance and she begged him to come back out of desperity. 
Then I woke up.

So, today is not starting out so well. I had a regretful last night. Then this morning when I got up, I felt okay. I shrugged it all off, and had a nice breakfast. Then I got online...
Tim IM'd me. This is how the convo went:

HL2HouseMD (1:31:25 PM): hey
HL2HouseMD (1:31:27 PM): lets hang
HL2HouseMD (1:31:28 PM): right now
epth x33 (1:31:56 PM): lol right now?
HL2HouseMD (1:31:58 PM): yeah
epth x33 (1:32:03 PM): i like JUST got up.
HL2HouseMD (1:32:14 PM): can I come over?
epth x33 (1:32:21 PM): & when my grandma comes home, we're leaving.
epth x33 (1:32:58 PM): normally, yeah you could. but idk when she'll be home.. i'm assuming soon bcus she's working for my neighbor today, meaning she'll be done before two. o.o
HL2HouseMD (1:33:12 PM): wanna just come to my place?
epth x33 (1:33:53 PM): lol, i just said when she gets home we be leaving.. i'm spose to go to this hair place in franklin park with hurrr
HL2HouseMD (1:34:18 PM): oh
HL2HouseMD (1:34:34 PM): cool, so were probably not going to hang out
epth x33 (1:35:11 PM): today, yeah. but if you're good for the rest of break i mean i'm sure we can. blah. i know 'm busy today, tomorrow, this weekend and monday. but i think thats it.
HL2HouseMD (1:36:42 PM): You can't even say I'm not putting forth all the effort I can to see you
epth x33 (1:37:10 PM): i didn't! i know you are!
HL2HouseMD (1:39:15 PM): Honestly though, do you even want to see me?
HL2HouseMD (1:39:30 PM): I think I've made it pretty clear that I'm willing to drop all my shit for you
HL2HouseMD (1:39:50 PM): yet you don't have time for me, and if you do have time, you're with someone else
HL2HouseMD (1:40:59 PM): and tomorrow you're going to be tripping all day
HL2HouseMD (1:41:09 PM): the weekend is shit
HL2HouseMD (1:41:34 PM): and monday, the rest of the world doesn't have spring break
epth x33 (1:42:10 PM): i know you're willing to do anything. which is why i feel bad. cus idk, you haven't wanted to see me for a long period of time, but i've missed you, and have wanted to see you. which is why i feel bad.. ugh. like idk what to say right now. i know whatever i say, you're just gonna yell at me some more. btw, i work all weekend, which is why i'm busy for the majority of the day. yeah, i know the rest of the world don't have break. idk just yell at me some more or whatever i deserve it.
HL2HouseMD (1:45:03 PM): I'm not yelling at you, I just want the truth
HL2HouseMD (1:45:33 PM): if you don't want to see me, just tell me so I don't waste my time

He has a point, but to an extent. I am just nervous to see him. I don't know. I told him flat out yesterday that I didn't feel like hanging out. So I'm not making excuses up. When I don't wanna chill, I say it.
But basically, he is going to end up making me cry probably by the end of the hour. Oh, lovely.


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